Stunning oil painting handpainted on canvas-Messenger

Stunning oil painting handpainted on canvas-Messenger

Stunning oil painting handpainted on canvas-Messenger
Type : 100% Handmade oil painting according this original picture. Medium : Premium oil paints on canvas. Size : 24inch x 36inch, if you need other size, we also could paint it according your own size. Quality : Museum Quality, 80-90% likeness to original. Frame : Unframed, unstretched, only canvas painting. Service : i can paint any image, any size. Packing : Unframed or unstretched: Rolled in a tube. Time:10-15 days finished oil painting. I could paint oil painting accoridng your own picture for example your Your portrait photo or your family photo. You only send your picture and tell us the size you want, I can help you draw a high-quality oil painting. Thank you for your trust and support.
Stunning oil painting handpainted on canvas-Messenger

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