Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649

Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649

Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649
We will make an artist repetition in 7-10 days. In 95% of cases, artist repetitions are even better because the artists are constantly improving their skills. Looking for a stunning piece of art to liven up your home? Check out our oil painting “Lilac”! This vibrant and beautiful painting features a large bouquet of white and purple lilacs, with lush green leaves. It’s sure to add a touch of elegance to any room. Whether you’re a longtime art lover or just getting started, this painting is sure to please. It’s the perfect way to add a little luxury to your life. ARTISTS: Serdyuk Boris Petrovich. SIZE: 50×70 cm/’19.68×27.55 inches. HAND PAINTED: Original painting from our collection. CONDITION: we tried to convey the maximum information with the help of photos about this product. About the artists: Serdyuk Boris Petrovich was born on June 30, 1960 in the city of Konotop Sumy region. He graduated from the Yuri-Polish Pedagogical College (artistic and graphic department). The first exhibitions took place in Konotop in the 90’s. Since 1999 – a free artist. Now lives and works in the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region.
Oil Painting Lilac Serdyuk B. Unframed Original Wall Hanging Decor nSerb649

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