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- Abstract 3D, 12×10, Original Painting w Fabric, Frame
Abstract 3D, 12×10, Original Painting w Fabric, Frame
July 4, 2023
Author: admin
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Abstract 3D, 12×10, Original Painting w Fabric, Framed. Artist working in St. Originally a graphic designer/illustrator. Graduate of the Kansas City Art Institute, BFA in Design. Owner of Wiener Dog Graphics and NancyVanNessArt. MA, Master of Arts, Fontbonne University. DMA – Direct Marketing Association Award – award winner – brochure design Allied Arts Council Show – award winner Awarded an Addy in KC, MO for advertising. Art for the Health of It’ award winner. Exhibitions Kansas City Art Institute Show. Albrecht Art Museum Show Gateway Pastel Artist Show, 2021, 2020 & 2019. 42 Doors of Hope – selected artist. Dove Love’ – selected artist. Heartland Art Club Show 2022 & 2021. Louis Artist’s Guild Show – selected artist, 2022 & 2021. Pets’ – Exhibizone Show – selected artist. Luminosity’ Show – selected artist. Jones Gallery Show – selected artist. Parenthood’ Show – Art St. Louis – selected artist. The Known and The Unknown – MAC – selected artist. Long Story Short’ Show – Webster Arts – selected artist. Contemporary Abstraction’ Hilliard Gallery Show – selected artist. Order/Disorder’ Show – selected artist. Personal History’ Show – Art St. NancyVanNessArt, visit to see more original art. Custom paintings also available.
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- colorful
- colour
- commission
- connors
- contemporary
- corbellic
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- cottage
- could
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- courbet
- cove
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- create
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- crucifition
- csaba
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- cupcake
- custom
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- cypress
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- guillermo
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- larry
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- last
- late
- latin
- laurent
- layer
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- lennart
- leonid
- lesly
- lester
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- letterman
- lewis
- lf46484ec
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- lion
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- lmop914
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- lord
- louis
- love
- lovely
- lovers
- lucia
- luncheon
- made
- magnificent
- make
- makes
- malcolm
- male
- mall
- mancini
- manhattan
- manila
- manual
- marcel
- marie
- marine
- marjorie
- mark
- marsh
- martini
- mary
- massive
- master
- master-art
- masterful
- masterpiece
- matador
- maurice
- maya
- maynard
- mccauley
- mcdonald's
- meeting
- mermaid
- merry
- mesa
- mexican
- mexico
- michael
- michel
- mid-century
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- mikheil
- mimo
- ming
- miroslav
- mirror
- missing
- mistakes
- modern
- modernism
- modernist
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- mont
- moodonna
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- moonlight
- moran
- morning
- morris
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- motherhood
- mountain
- mountains
- movement
- movie
- mueller
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- mysterious
- mystery
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- night
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- oils
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- orange
- orientalist
- orig
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- original-one
- original18th19th
- oswaldo
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- paint
- painted
- painter
- painting
- painting'abstract
- painting-hill
- paintings
- pair
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- palette
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- perect
- perfact
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- personalized
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- peterson
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- phoenix
- photos
- piano
- picasso
- picture
- pierre
- pietro
- pink
- piones
- pirate
- pleasure
- plein
- polish
- pomegranate
- pond
- poppies
- poppy
- portrait
- post
- prep
- prepare
- preparing
- pretty
- price
- prime
- priming
- primitiveness
- printing
- private
- probsta
- process
- professional
- provenance
- psychedelic
- pumpkin
- purple
- quality
- quick
- qwef
- radiant
- raimondo
- randolph
- rare
- ravi
- realist
- realistic
- rebecca
- redwing
- reginald
- religious
- rembrandt
- renaissance
- rene
- repair
- rest
- resting
- reuse
- ribcowsky
- ricardo
- riccardo
- rikard
- rising
- river
- robert
- rocca
- rocky
- romero
- rooster
- roses
- ross
- rossini
- rough
- rugged
- rural
- russian
- saber
- sacrificed
- safer
- sailboat
- sailing
- saint
- sale
- salt
- salvador
- samuel
- santa
- saxo
- saxophone
- scarface
- schmidt
- scotland
- scott
- scottish
- seagulls
- seal
- seascape
- seasons
- secret
- secrets
- segundo
- serge
- session
- shanna
- sheep
- should
- shun
- sign
- signed
- simeon
- simple
- simpson
- singer
- skeleton
- skyline
- slaughter
- slava
- slumberoriginal
- small
- snow
- sofala
- sold
- solo
- sorensen
- southern
- southwest
- spring
- squid
- stain
- staining
- stanley
- star
- starry
- start
- steam
- step
- stephens
- steve
- still
- still-life
- stranger
- street
- stretch
- stretched
- stretchedour
- stunning
- style
- sublime
- summer
- sunday
- sunflower
- sunflowers
- sunfowers
- sunlight
- sunrise
- sunset
- super
- superb
- surrealist
- susan
- swedish
- sweet
- swiss
- sydney
- tabby
- taco
- takes
- talking
- tattoo
- techniques
- temptation
- tequilla
- textured
- theodore
- thick
- thing
- things
- thomas
- time
- timelapse
- tips
- tone
- toni
- tony
- took
- touched
- town
- trace
- tranquil
- transfer
- tree
- trencev
- trevor
- trick
- tried
- tropical
- trujillo
- trump
- trying
- tulips
- turning
- twilight
- u0026
- ukrainian
- ukranian
- underpainting
- unintentional
- unique
- universe
- unknown
- unsigned
- urban
- using
- v-inspire
- vajrapani
- valdemar
- valentine
- valerie
- vanguard
- vanwinkle
- varnish
- vase
- vcorbellic
- venice
- vernon
- very
- victorian
- victory
- viento
- vigan
- village
- vincent
- vineyard
- vintage
- viola
- vladimir
- vlog
- volmant
- wahso
- walbourn
- walk
- walker
- wall
- walter
- wanderlust
- watch
- water
- wave
- ways
- weidhofer
- weimaraner
- wenzel
- western
- whispering
- white
- wholesale
- wifredo
- wiggins
- wild
- wilfredo
- william
- williams
- wilson
- wine
- winstin
- winter
- wises
- witch
- wolf
- women
- women's
- wonderful
- wyland
- xavier
- yary
- yasheng
- yayoi
- yellow
- york
- youn
- young
- yuri
- zwpt326
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