Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36×24

Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24
Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24
Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24
Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24
Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24

Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24
100% handpainted oil painting. Note: This is a real hand painted oil painting on canvas, In Store (Assure the Real Painting is Consistent with the Description). Title: “The Ballerina Dancer”. Medium: Genuine High Quality 100% Hand Oil Painting on Canvas. Size unframed (inches/cm):36″ x 24″ (92 x 62cm). Frame: The price does not include the frame cost! Object Type: Unframed oil painting, will be mailed in a roll tube. Condition: In good overall condition. The price does not include the frame cost. Unstretched, will be mailed in a roll tube. This is NOT a print poster or transfer This is a photo of my painting!
Perfect oil painting handpainted on canvas The Ballerina Dancer 36x24

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