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- Canvas Oil Painting
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- Stretched, Garden with Floral Blossom, Quality Hand Painted Oil Painting 30x40in
Stretched, Garden with Floral Blossom, Quality Hand Painted Oil Painting 30x40in
May 8, 2024
Author: admin
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Stretched, Garden with Floral Blossom, Quality Hand Painted Oil Painting. Avoid outrageous stretching charges and a trip to a store. For the sample of when painting is Stretched. Type: Genuine 100 % Hand Painted Oil on Canvas. Painted Area: 30″ x 40″. Canvas Size: 33″ x 43″. Condition: New, Stretched, Not Framed. Please note: The staples appear on the sides, but they will be hidden after framing. The photo is taken from the actual painting. You see is what you get! Please examine the photos closely as this is the exact painting you will receive. This excellent artwork is an 100% hand-painted oil on canvas painting. It is not a mass production or touch-up product. The actual appearance of the painting is much prettier than the picture on the web. We have commissioned numerous artists worldwide, who create all of our 100% Guaranteed hand-painted oil on canvas reproductions of the original famous Masters Works. The right frame size for this painting is 30x40in inside. ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTIONS ASKED! See below for an example of how gorgeous any painting from. Will look when you get your painting framed.
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- clearing
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- cliffs
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- clouds
- coastal
- cocktail
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- colorful
- colour
- commission
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- contemporary
- corbellic
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- cottage
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- courbet
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- find
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- foussa
- framed
- francisco
- francois
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- guillermo
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- hunted
- hunting
- huntington
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- iconic
- igor
- illusion
- imagine
- importance
- important
- impressionism
- impressionist
- incredible
- intermediate
- introduction
- iron
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- laii
- lake
- land
- landscape
- large
- larger
- larry
- lars
- late
- latin
- laurent
- layer
- lead
- learn
- lebowski
- leffel
- lennart
- leonid
- lesly
- lester
- leta
- letterman
- lewis
- liberty
- life
- light
- lighthouse
- lilac
- lilacs
- linseed
- lion
- liquid
- lisette
- listed
- little
- live
- lmop567
- lmop914
- loin
- lord
- louis
- love
- lovely
- lovers
- lucia
- luncheon
- made
- magnificent
- make
- makes
- malcolm
- male
- mall
- mancini
- manhattan
- manila
- manual
- marcel
- marie
- marine
- marjorie
- mark
- marsh
- martini
- mary
- massive
- master
- master-art
- masterful
- masterpiece
- matador
- maurice
- maya
- maynard
- mccauley
- mcdonald's
- meeting
- mermaid
- merry
- mesa
- mexican
- mexico
- michael
- michel
- mid-century
- midcentury
- mikheil
- mimo
- ming
- miroslav
- mirror
- missing
- mistakes
- modern
- modernism
- modernist
- monet
- monique
- monroe
- mont
- moodonna
- moon
- moonlight
- moran
- morning
- morris
- morton
- most
- mother
- motherhood
- mountain
- mountains
- movement
- movie
- mueller
- museum
- music
- mysterious
- mystery
- nadie
- naive
- nantucket
- natalya
- nelson
- niagara
- nice
- nick
- nicolas
- night
- nite
- norway
- nude
- nycity
- ocean
- olga
- orange
- orientalist
- orig
- original
- original-one
- original18th19th
- oswaldo
- pablo
- paint
- painted
- painter
- painting
- painting-hill
- paintings
- pair
- pairing
- palette
- pandro
- paris
- path
- paul
- paxton
- peacock
- pear
- pears
- peasant
- peony
- people
- perect
- perfact
- perfect
- permission
- personalized
- peter
- peterson
- philippe
- philippine
- phillip
- phoenix
- photos
- piano
- picasso
- picture
- pierre
- pietro
- pink
- piones
- pirate
- pleasure
- plein
- polish
- pomegranate
- pond
- poppies
- poppy
- portrait
- post
- prep
- prepare
- preparing
- pretty
- prime
- priming
- printing
- private
- probsta
- process
- professional
- provenance
- psychedelic
- pumpkin
- purple
- quality
- quick
- qwef
- radiant
- raimondo
- randolph
- rare
- realist
- realistic
- rebecca
- redwing
- reginald
- religious
- rembrandt
- renaissance
- rene
- repair
- rest
- resting
- reuse
- ribcowsky
- ricardo
- riccardo
- rikard
- rising
- river
- robert
- rocca
- rocky
- romero
- rooster
- roses
- ross
- rossini
- rough
- rugged
- rural
- russian
- saber
- sacrificed
- safer
- sailboat
- sailing
- saint
- sale
- salt
- salvador
- samuel
- santa
- saxo
- saxophone
- scarface
- schmidt
- scotland
- scott
- scottish
- seagulls
- seal
- seascape
- seasons
- secret
- secrets
- segundo
- serge
- session
- shanna
- sheep
- should
- shun
- sign
- signed
- simeon
- simple
- simpson
- singer
- skeleton
- skyline
- slaughter
- slava
- slumberoriginal
- small
- snow
- sofala
- sold
- solo
- sorensen
- southern
- southwest
- spring
- squid
- stain
- stanley
- star
- starry
- start
- steam
- step
- stephens
- steve
- still
- still-life
- stranger
- street
- stretch
- stretched
- stretchedour
- stunning
- style
- sublime
- summer
- sunday
- sunflower
- sunflowers
- sunfowers
- sunlight
- sunrise
- sunset
- super
- superb
- surrealist
- susan
- swedish
- sweet
- swiss
- sydney
- tabby
- taco
- takes
- talking
- tattoo
- techniques
- temptation
- tequilla
- textured
- theodore
- thick
- thing
- things
- thomas
- time
- timelapse
- tips
- tone
- toni
- tony
- took
- touched
- town
- trace
- tranquil
- transfer
- tree
- trevor
- tried
- tropical
- trujillo
- trump
- trying
- tulips
- turning
- twilight
- u0026
- ukrainian
- ukranian
- underpainting
- unintentional
- unique
- universe
- unknown
- unsigned
- urban
- using
- v-inspire
- valdemar
- valentine
- valerie
- vanguard
- vanwinkle
- varnish
- vase
- vcorbellic
- venice
- vernon
- very
- victorian
- victory
- viento
- vigan
- village
- vincent
- vineyard
- vintage
- viola
- vladimir
- vlog
- volmant
- wahso
- walbourn
- walk
- walker
- wall
- walter
- wanderlust
- watch
- water
- wave
- ways
- weidhofer
- weimaraner
- wenzel
- western
- whispering
- white
- wholesale
- wifredo
- wiggins
- wild
- wilfredo
- william
- williams
- wilson
- wine
- winstin
- winter
- wises
- witch
- wolf
- women
- women's
- wonderful
- wyland
- xavier
- yasheng
- yayoi
- yellow
- york
- youn
- young
- yuri
- zwpt326
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